Mt Eden Normal School
Friday 21 March 2025 on the field from 1:30 to 3.00 pm
PTA Event managers – Chelsea Chen
MENPS Event manager - Hilary Edwards
MENPS Colour Run returns!
The MENPS Colour Run is a school fundraiser – a chance to raise vital funds for MENPS whilst our kids have heaps of fun!!
The idea is that each student signs up for a fundraiser profile and asks for sponsorship from friends and family to participate in this fun run! All funds raised will go to MENPS to improve outdoor play facilities.
Set up your students fundraising profile now by scanning the QR Code! Heaps of fun spot prizes to be won when you sign up to a profile, and the top 3 classes that raise most donations win a pizza party!
Those who have raised over $150.00 by 11.59pm, 20th March Thursday can have a whānau run with parents, caregivers, and siblings! (Donations cannot be combined. For MENPS siblings, at least one of them needs to raise $150.00 on their own in order to qualify for this prize.)
What is a colour run?
A Colour Run is a fun and colourful event where kids will run/walk/jump/dance/laugh their way around a course and be covered with a vibrant, colourful powder!
It is all about getting amongst the fun, and enjoying the day. It is a fundraising event and we have partnered with Go Raise It again to help us to raise funds for improving the outdoor spaces at school.
Our pupils will be seeking online sponsorship for their participation in our Colour Run. All children who have participated will get a finisher’s certificate. The funds raised by our school community make a huge difference.
The Colour Run will take place on the school field, on Friday 21st March afternoon, during school hours.
Whanau and friends are welcome to come as spectators and cheer on our little runners!
Fundraising questions
How will this fundraiser work?
This year we have partnered with online fundraising company Go Raise It. Collecting sponsorship online makes it super easy for everyone - no more door knocking, your child can collect more donations from further afield (friends & family living overseas, work colleagues etc) and no need to worry about handling cash!
How do I sign my child up to fundraise online?
What if I have multiple children at MENPS?
Multiple children in your family? No problem, all children can sit under the same email address. You’ll find a button to set up another page while logged in to the fundraising account you created first.
Do I have to sign up for an online account to fundraise?
We would love everyone to have an online account as this allows the school to significantly reduce administration overheads. Go Raise It adhere to strict cyber safe guidelines and this is built into our fundraising website. If you really do not want an online fundraising page, and still want to participate please check with the school office to see if you can collect cash.
How will we be collecting funds?
Online only, through sponsorship via the Go Raise it platform https://menpsptacolourrun.raiseit.co.nz
Are there prizes?
A great range of fundraising prizes available. The top 3 classes that have raised the most funds will win a pizza party at school!!
We had a winner of the cool Bluetooth speaker in the last week of February, but there are still plenty of prizes!
Sign up now and get at least one donation, go into the draw to win Wireless Earbuds!
Leading up to final two weeks of fundraising:
All fundraisers that receive a donation during these two weeks will go in the draw to win a PTA 2025 Ice Block Award.
This voucher will entitle the holder to a free ice block at every mid term and end of term ice block sales for the remainder of the year!!!
Listen out for announced winners. Cut off times:
- Whānau run - 11.59pm Thursday 20 March
- 2025 free iceblocks award draw - 11.59pm Friday 21 March
- Pizza party - 12pm Monday 24 March
Fundraising target
🤔 Just wondering, if we get up to $30,000, will Principal Alan Jackson run the course in his dinosaur costume?!
Check the prize page on the hub to find more here
I have more questions about the fundraising hub.
There is a FAQs page also on the fundraising hub, please see here https://menpsptacolourrun.raiseit.co.nz/faqs
Event questions
What is a Colour Run?
Colour runs have become a popular and fun event for people of all ages, it is inspired by the Hindu festival of Holi.
Ask a MENPS student that participated last year to hear how fun it is!
When and where is the event?
On the school field on Friday, March 21st from 1:30 to 3 pm
What time will my child be participating?
We will have the senior school running first. We have a fun obstacle course where the aim of the activity is to have fun and get covered in colour so we don't expect the time on course to take more than 3-5 minutes.
Is there more information about the course?
Be prepared to have fun and get wet and colourful!
We will have obstacles set up on the field for you to skip, jump & climb through.
Hula hoops, sprinklers, inflatable rings and more!
How will Health and Safety be managed?
The school will manage the health and safety concerns for this event.
Who can attend
Families are invited to come and watch the event, similar to the cross country there will be a dedicated viewing area.
What if my child doesn't want to participate?
If you or your child are anxious or concerned about this event, please raise this with your teacher directly.
Are teachers running? Preschoolers? Parents run?
This is a school wide event but only students (Year 0 through to 6) will be running.
And maybe Principal Jackson :)
Anyone who has raised $150 can have a whole family run (donations cannot be combined between siblings).
Can I help on the day?
Families are invited to come and watch the event, similar to the cross country, there will be a dedicated viewing area.
We need help on the day with the obstacles and to throw the coloured powder. If you would prefer to be closer to the action than from the specified caregiver view area, follow this link to help us with the set up or the running of the event.
What is the colour made of?
The non toxic colour powder is a brightly coloured non-toxic powder designed to be thrown directly on to people. Powders are made from natural ingredients - maize starch and vegetable colours.
Specially formulated to be fire resistant. Powders are designed to be thrown directly on to people, eyes should be protected by appropriate glasses.
A Material Safety Data Sheet is available for more details here https://23197910.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23197910/A%20Holi%20Powder%20Safety%20Data%20Sheet.docx
What about getting their uniform stained / what should they wear?
Theme: Crazy Costume Colour
The day will start as a uniform day - students are encouraged bring old clothes, a white T-shirt, bring a towel for the car and change of clothes. Goggles/sunglasses for the run would be a good idea.
Students can run in bare feet and are encourage to dress up
Dress up with colourful tutus, wigs, hats, sunglasses
All students will leave their classrooms with their school bags/belongings before the event starts.
After the event they might be messy so please consider this when collecting them - this might be a good day to walk home from school.
Will the colour stain skin or hair? How about shoes?
It is best to wear older / disposable clothing. White clothing works as the best backdrop to contrast the bright colours.
Although under normal circumstances the colour powder doesn’t stain, it can leave a light coloured wash over the item of clothing. Clothes are best washed by themselves.
Where can I purchase a white top
The children can run wearing whatever they want - an old shirt and shorts. Ideally a lighter colour. For a new white shirt check out Postie Plus, The Warehouse or Kmart.
The second hand uniform shop is open on the morning of the race and will have some $5 white shirts available for sale between 8.15-9.15.
Preserving the colour on the shirts
You can keep the colour on your shirt and process at home to keep! See more details here for how to do this - and remember to bring a bag on the day to put the shirt into.
Will there be photography on the day?
Hopefully - we would love to have a professional photographer on the course on the day. Please email the PTA if you can offer your skills and time on the day - menpspta@gmail.com.
Can my child attend sKids after this event?
Yes we will let sKids know that we have the event running and ensure they are set up for some messy tamariki.
Is there a winner?
Running the obstacle course will be a fun conclusion to our Fun Run fundraiser but just like Magic Spells - we won’t be measuring the performance of students completing the course.
Participants will earn a certificate.
Will there be food/iceblocks/drinks available to purchase?
No, all runners will be awarded a sponsored ice block at the end of the run.
What if my child has a music lesson on Friday afternoons?
The music coordinator will have a 'jig' around the timetables for that day so that all the lessons are finished by lunchtime and no student misses the run, or a lesson. Many thanks to Ben Holmes at Musiq Hub for being so accommodating.
I have more questions about this event
Please reach out to the school or PTA if you have further questions menpspta@gmail.com
Check out photos from last year
Some great snaps to remember the day by: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vNXkxthKjqnLt7nZ7